Assignment 3

The assignment is a team-based project. You will read 2-4 scientific articles and create a critical comparative essay between the articles, highlighting strong points, weak points and alternative solutions.

DO NOT do a summary of the articles, DO a valuable critical comparative analysis of them.

Teams are listed on Moodle. In the teams document you will find the topic ID for your team and a link to the directory with topics (and articles).

The assignment will consist of two deliverables. We ask each team member to upload them:

  • The essay, in PDF format, we strongly recommend you used Overleaf + LaTeX for (collaborative) editing of the essay. Deadline for submission is Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 11:59pm.

  • A set of slides. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 2pm.

Each team will do a 5 minutes presentation of the results, live, during the last lecture slot, on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 4pm-6pm, room PR706.

Your grade = Essay Grade (80%) + Slide/Presentation Grade (20%) + Bonus (Questions to other presenters) (10%)