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bibliografie [2015/03/10 13:07]
Andrei Olaru
bibliografie [2015/05/04 10:44]
Andrei Olaru
Linia 1: Linia 1:
 += Bibliografie =
   * **Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs**, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman , disponibilă liber la http://​mitpress.mit.edu/​sicp/​   * **Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs**, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman , disponibilă liber la http://​mitpress.mit.edu/​sicp/​
     * sunt interesante primele 2 capitole     * sunt interesante primele 2 capitole
Linia 7: Linia 9:
   * **Real World Haskell**, Bryan O'​Sullivan,​ Don Stewart, and John Goerzen, disponibilă liber online la http://​book.realworldhaskell.org/​   * **Real World Haskell**, Bryan O'​Sullivan,​ Don Stewart, and John Goerzen, disponibilă liber online la http://​book.realworldhaskell.org/​
     * mai ales primele 8-9 capitole     * mai ales primele 8-9 capitole
 +  * **Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming**,​ Simon Thompson, http://​www.haskellcraft.com
 +  * **Haskell CheatSheet**,​ Justin Bailey, http://​cheatsheet.codeslower.com/​
 +  * **Haskell Wikibook**, https://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​Haskell
   * **prolog :- tutorial**, J.R.Fisher, disponibil la http://​www.cpp.edu/​~jrfisher/​www/​prolog_tutorial/​contents.html   * **prolog :- tutorial**, J.R.Fisher, disponibil la http://​www.cpp.edu/​~jrfisher/​www/​prolog_tutorial/​contents.html
 +  * **Prolog Wikibook**, https://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​Prolog
 +  * **Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning**,​ John Harrison, Cambridge University Press
 +  * **Introduction to Logic**, Michael Genesereth, disponibil liber online la https://​www.coursera.org/​course/​intrologic
bibliografie.txt · Ultima modificare: 2017/05/19 22:29 de către Andrei Olaru