Exploiting. Part 2: Web & OS ================================ We discuss several cybersecurity subjects in a practical manner: - Web application endpoint discovery - Web static analysis - Injection Attacks - OS exploitation Slides for this session: * handout_ * handout_4on1_notes_ * handout_8on1_ .. _handout: http://elf.cs.pub.ro/sis/res/04-exploit-2-handout.pdf .. _handout_4on1_notes: http://elf.cs.pub.ro/sis/res/04-exploit-2-handout-4on1-notes.pdf .. _handout_8on1: http://elf.cs.pub.ro/sis/res/04-exploit-2-handout-8on1.pdf Tasks ----- 1. Instal ``dirb`` and ``wordlists`` via the following command:: sudo apt install dirb wordlists Use the ``/usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt`` wordlist and perform endpoint brute-forcing. The target is ````. 2. The more you look at it, the less you see. This target is a *silent-speaker*. There might *invisible* things embedded in the web page. See if you can **GET** some **file**. The file that you want is located under the ``/flag`` path. Your target is ````. 3. Give me a fixed *ping* and I will give the whole flag. a. Access ```` and read the ``/flag`` file. b. Previous one was easy. Can you still do it when some characters are stripped? Access ```` and read the same ``/flag`` file again. 4. Could you please *inject* some *sql* into this target? Keep it simple. Like... really simple. At ```` there is a vulnerable login page. You can login as ``ctf`` with password ``ctf``. However, the ``ctf`` user does not have access to any interesting information. Can you find out the secret of user ``admin``? 5. Download the vulnerable virtual machine `Ubuntu10-exploit.zip`_. Login as ``student`` with password ``student``. Try to exploit the kernel to obtain root shell. Alternatively, you can download `Ubuntu 10.04 desktop amd64`_ and set it up into your own virtual machine. Hint: `Exploit Database`_ is an archive of public exploits corresponding to vulnerable software. .. _`Ubuntu10-exploit.zip`: http://elf.cs.pub.ro/sis/res/Ubuntu10-exploit.zip .. _`Ubuntu 10.04 desktop amd64`: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04.0/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso .. _`Exploit Database`: https://www.exploit-db.com/ (**Bonus**): Do as many challenges from https://alf.nu/alert1 as you can :)